After some more building in Toddington, and looking at the rest of the island which i still needed to build, i became completely overwhelmed by the whole Isle of Newshore project! I was really enjoying myself but there was just so much to do and i couldn't really seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, a whole world is just too bigger step at the moment. Don't get me wrong it's really great looking back and seeing what you've created from scratch but i just takes so long, so as you may have guessed i went back to Betcy, i just missed the actual playing of the sims and i missed Betcy so here she is...

Hello again everyone, how are you all? Its been a long time and a lot has changed so i should probably get on and fill you all in. 
Its been just over a year since Bertha died and it hasn't got any easier for me to live without her. Edward and Florence have been wonderful, obviously they know what it feels like to loss somebody. They really helped me through the first couple months, which were the hardest, but i feel a lot better now, of course the pain never goes away, you just get used to it, and i still really miss Bertha. I go to her grave at least once a week just to talk and put down some fresh flowers. I find the graveyard so quite and peaceful and the sound of the running river in the background is just so soothing.